Friday 18 September 2015

Blind by Rachel DeWoskin

18667798Book Blurb (from goodreads)
When Emma Sasha Silver loses her eyesight in a nightmare accident, she must relearn everything from walking across the street to recognizing her own sisters to imagining colors. One of seven children, Emma used to be the invisible kid, but now it seems everyone is watching her. And just as she's about to start high school and try to recover her friendships and former life, one of her classmates is found dead in an apparent suicide. Fifteen and blind, Emma has to untangle what happened and why - in order to see for herself what makes life worth living.

Unflinching in its portrayal of Emma's darkest days, yet full of hope and humor, Rachel DeWoskin's brilliant Blind is one of those rare books that utterly absorbs the listener into the life and experience of another.

My review:
I will admit that I had read this book a while back so it is not fresh in my mind during this review but I chose to review this book for a reason that I found kind of interesting myself. I have this thing that after I read the book I forgot everything apart from the plot and what the characters look like. Unless I loved the book I cant remember the character names. But somehow this book left a larger mark on my then others and I find myself remembering dialog from the book which is rare for me.
The plot in this book was slow passed and very much about the problems that Emma is going through after loosing her eyesight. We don't see the incident itself, although that would off been pretty interesting to read about so we could understand her full despair. I personally could not imagine loosing my eye sight (Because then how would I read!?) so I found myself feeling sad whilst reading this book. I just had that kind of writing style that brought out all of the feels sometimes.
Emma is a strong character in the mental self and how she handles the situation is admiral. She almost doesn't let it faze her, well she does a little bit at the beginning but she pulls it together. She learns how to read braille and goes back to her normal school. She keeps all of her family members and friends close as a support system which you don't see happen a lot in books so it was refreshing to see a character do that.
All in all I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

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