Das Schiff aus Stein (Die Akademie der Abenteuer #3) by Boris Pfeiffer

Book Blurb (from Goodreads):
Eine spannende Entführungsgeschichte bei den Phöniziern hält Rufus, Fili und No in Band 3 der Reihe Die Akademie der Abenteuer in Atem.
Nachdem die drei Freunde ihre letzte historische Flut überstanden haben, sehnen sie sich eigentlich nach einer Pause. Aber diese währt nicht lange ... Bald finden sich die drei in der Zeit der Phönizier wieder und erleben, wie der Sohn eines berühmten Glasmachers von griechischen Piraten verschleppt wird. Er scheint ein besonderes Geheimnis zu hüten ... Doch auch in der Gegenwart geht es turbulent zu: Der Kopf der Nike, den Rufus dem Fluthändler James McPherson anvertraut hatte, ist verschwunden. Hat da womöglich seine Mutter die Finger im Spiel?

My Review
Overall, I think that I this book was really good. The historical part of this book was always interesting for me because, as I already mentioned, history appeals to me. This author also manages to write in such a style, that the story becomes really good because he managed to create lovable characters, who had an amazing adventure throughout the book. With the adventure and interesting characters, this book is also able to teach us a bit about history because there are some real facts strewn throughout the book.
The only thing didn't like while reading this book was in fact a character. I really disliked a couple of characters and one of them is of course Coralia. She is really annoying but I think that is the point, since Coralia is supposed to be the antagonist of the story.
I always kept on thinking, that it would be really cool to travel back in time like the people do in this book, or if they have a real academy like in the book, because that would be really fun.
Otherwise I have nothing to complain about and I can give this book 5 out of 5 stars!

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